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  • Jun 29 2021 - 13:41
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Start of the second Iran-Armenia technology trade meeting; Joint production between the two countries is increasing

The second technology business meeting of Iranian knowledge-based and creative companies of Armenian businessmen and technologists began in Yerevan.

To develop the global market for Iranian products and services, 50 Iranian knowledge-based and creative companies traveled to Armenia to facilitate joint workspace between the two countries in face-to-face meetings with their Armenian counterparts. This also helps to bring the products and services of Iranian scholars to the Eurasian market.

The Armenian market has a high capacity to accept knowledge-based and creative companies, and trade with this country can play an effective role in the development of bilateral relations. For this reason, after the first Iranian technological group was sent to Armenia in February of last year, for the second time, Iranian knowledge-based and creative companies were sent to this country to strengthen cooperation between the two countries.

"Specialized meeting between Iranian companies and 120 Armenian companies in various fields of technology", "Specialized meeting between 15 Iranian companies and 40 Armenian companies in the field of communication and information technologies" and "Visiting the centers and technological infrastructure of this country" are among the programs of this travel.

Due to its population of 8 million outside its borders and in European countries, the United States and Canada, Armenia has a good opportunity and capacity to implement technological projects of these countries. However, due to its population of 3 million people, it is not able to carry out all the projects, so it is trying to use the capacity of other countries to implement these projects.

Accordingly, a technological team of companies active in the field of creative and IT industries, especially custom programming, has been formed by the specialized agency of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in this country to accelerate the process of exporting our knowledge-based products and services to Armenia. 2 countries increase.

Companies sent to this country operate in the field of creative industries, materials, industrial machinery and equipment, medical equipment, etc.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 76569

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